Top 5 High-end Buildings in Manchester

Top 5 High-end Buildings in Manchester


Well, the Manchester Modernist Society highlights the architectural gems like the Toast Rack in Fallowfield and the some areas of the UMIST campus. Being tucked to the next of apex of the Mancunian Way, it’s the trademark WA Gibbon designed white concrete building and Holloway Wall which completes wth a bowling green.

Address: Sackville Street

The Royal Exchange

Being started the life as the bastion of the Manchester trade, the Royal Exchange is survived a direct hit in the Blitz and protected by the St Ann’s Church from the IRA blas. The glass and steel roof of thos building echos the Barton Arcade with the incredible seven sided theatre performance spaces.

Address: St Ann’s Square

Victoria Baths

Well, a sincere thanks to the BBC’s Restoration series for the renovation of Victoria Baths. Until November, every first Sunday can let you mooch around and appreciate the stunning tiles and stained glass windows and appealing features like bathside changing cubicles and steamroom contraptions.

Address: Hathersage Road

The Daily Express Building

Right at the far edge of the Northern Quarter, this former Daily Express Building is a fascinating Art Deco curvy black and silver glass structure; which reflects the version on the London’s Fleet Street. The newspaper was left in the 80s and it’s now an apartment block; but it still offers the contemporary architecture a run for its money

Address: 19 Great Ancoats Street

Central Library

It’s a neoclassical circular library; which is the finest landmark and a stylish public building. But its million books and 20 miles of shelving will be packed away shortly for a spring clean. After its opening, get peace and tranquil next door at the gothic Town Hall where you can enjoy your afternoon tea being surrounded by the marble busts and mosaics.

Address: St Peter’s Square

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