14 Jun

For a city situated in the cold realms of the United Kingdom, pubs and bars are places that become a necessity. If you are travelling to Manchester and on the look-out for bars and pubs serving some of the best beer in the city, here is a list of top 4 Manchester bars for your consideration. They will surely quench your thirst. The culture of bars is as old as the city itself, but has undergone a few changes in the recent times. These places though have faced the attack of time and managed to retain their heritage and of course their TASTE!
Marble Arch:
This place is 125 years old but still packs a punch to attract huge crowds. So do book your table in advance as this place gets filled up quickly and once that happens you will be forced to the back room which lacks all glazed tile work and Victorian details. So be in or around 70, Rochdale road to sip some of the best root beer in the city
Grey Horse:
This place resembles what bars used to look like. The gents still sit outside in the yard and the music played is old northern soul and Johnny cash. The little brewery inside the bar produces some of the best tasting beer, a fact that is accepted by locals and tourists alike. To find this Manchester bar you need to go at 80, Portland Street.
Port Street Beer house:
Here at this place be ready to find local, national and international breweries represented across 25 pumps and around 125 types of bottled beers. This bar at Port Street holds regular meet-the-brewer evening and sporadic beer festivals that add to the charm of this place.
City Arms:
This bar with polished leather blankets, black and white photos and etched mirrors lies at the heart of the city at Kennedy Street. Eight hand-pulls serving beer mostly from the neighbouring districts will keep you happy.